Thursday, October 15, 2015

sculptural work at college

I have so far done 2 sculptures whilst at college.

The first was made from life, about 30cm tall and out of modelling wax. I found the medium really enjoyable, and despite it being my first sculpture, felt it worked very well

The second was also done from life - mine slightly bigger than life size - and was extremely difficult to do. i believe this is because there was a lot more detail on the full figure sculpture behind which we could hide, whereas a larger sculpture focussing primarily on one thing, the face, leaves very little room for error.


amendments to the elephant commission

I was not wholly satisfied with the finish on the piece; whilst the face and trunk worked well, I felt the patch of skin in the bottom left corner did not emulate elephant skin well enough, as well as the bottom of the ear looking rushed and muddled.

here is the amended piece

Sunday, October 4, 2015

elephant commission - finished!

Finally, I have finished this commission of an elephant. Despite working in a subject matter I am very new to, I feel it has come out quite effectively!

acrylic on canvas, 100cm x 100cm