Monday, December 29, 2014

first commission - beginning stages

the photograph, my utensils, and the canvas. all ready to go

my first portrait not completed at school. School encourages the use of projecting a traced outline to quickly get the properties, however i do consider this cheating. this is my first painting where i will be drawing the image from scratch, and have used this gridding technique

definitely finding it challenging - the photograph is slightly pixelated, the canvas won't allow for rubbing out with smudging and the face has taken on quite an old appearance. hopefully a clean layer of paint should sort out these issues, but the drawing needs some tweaking as well. 

close up of the gridding and smudging

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Holly Merritt, A2 media test

120cm x 120cm. blue, brown, yellow and pink ink and biro

i drew/inked it on paper, then cut the paper triangles out. i mounted what was left onto board, as well as each individual triangle. i then cut out the mounted triangles and stuck them back onto the whole composition, to create this 3D effect

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

hannah part 2, 2014

inspired by the work of carne griffiths

the work station. INKS USED - pink, yellow, brown and blue, pipette onto the paper, blow with straw/merge with water and paintbrush. draw in details with black biro once dry. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

sculptural experimentation à la FRIEDMANN

using toothpicks, blu tac and acrylic paint

sugar cubes stuck together using icing sugar 'sugarman' 

human experiment à la Josh Bryan

eyeliner on skin

FRAGMENTATION A2 work media test 'HANNAH'

using acrylic on board

acrylic - primary colours, black, white, ochre

the photograph edited on photoshop 
sections taped off using masking tape to get clean edges. paint applied with brush then dabbed with sponge 

final product 

Monday, June 30, 2014

work for my A2 coursework sketchbook

chalk and charcoal drawing with gold gel pen and brown watercolours, a3 paper, reproduction of sara golish

made from card, a layered sculpture of a facial profile, loosely based on work by Park Chan Girl 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

AS exam final piece, 2014

over 8 foot long, done in 8 hours over two days, timed examination conditions. acrylic on board.
the full piece 
the cross over from the hair into the experimental mark making

a close up of the figure 


the photography from which i based my painting, taken using iPhone 4s

Monday, June 16, 2014

experimental piece, 2014

this was acrylic painted on a sheet of plastic. inspired by Jackson Pollock
the full piece

swirls made by rotating a large spatula; paint carefully put on using utensils such as forks/plastic knives/spatulas/flicking paint from brushes/flinging paint from a distance 

all done in acrylic yellow, red, blue and black with neon pink on top 

the slightly more hazy colours were an experiment to see how well paint would dry when watery and on plastic 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

extracts from my sketchbook, exam 2014

quick drawings made in biro, inks, pencil using techniques such as continuous line and unseen, with a larger scale still life study done in pencil, 2B

a reproduction of one of my favourite artists Andrew Salgado of his piece TRUST (SELF PORTRAIT 1)
my piece acrylic on paper

Friday, June 13, 2014

josie and emily, 2013

final piece of AS level coursework, by far my favourite piece of work so far.
acrylic on canvas