Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A2 final piece. 48"x72" canvas. acrylic and bitumen. 12 hours.

day one - as you can see i accidentally painted the wrong fingers at first!
the set up

there are bits purposely done in a rougher style - this is to add to the theme of flaw and perfection, enhancing the FLAWED aspect

my previous piece making an entrance!

almost there!

Friday, May 8, 2015


this piece is approximately 180cm in height (haven't measured it sorry! just going on my what i think it could be compared to my height).

it is done in acrylic with black outline in bitumen paint (used to paint fences for example; it is gloopy and quite fun to trail along an line)

the hands on the far sides are partially unfinished - this is to reflect the theme of Perfection and Flaws, obviously linking to flaws. Also to save time for when i do my final piece!!