Sunday, July 5, 2015

2nd commission beginning stages : a reproduction of Cristina Troufa 'Pedestal' 2011

Following my previous commission finished earlier this year, I have been asked to reproduce this piece by artist Cristina Troufa. My piece is 70cm x 100cm on canvas, painted in acrylic.

my lovely parents kindly bought me an easel to work on pieces in the corner of the living room!!

in order to copy the picture to the best of my ability, I gridded the printed image and then scaled up onto the canvas. (I don't have a long ruler and so had to use a large piece of wood to secure straight lines on my grid!)

the drawing starts to come to life

close up of the drawing. I outline the drawing in non- water soluble pencils, as I added a wash over the drawing and needed to make sure the pencil colour would not run with the watery paint 

beginning the painting. I'm very happy with the vibrancy so far. However, the white i used to mix in the colour for the wash was rather watery and did more to thin out the mixture than to lighten it, making brush strokes visible. I will have to go over these darker areas to solidify the background colour